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Get to Know the Creator Behind Sycamore Decor

When I first began my journey in SL, SL creation was the furthest thing from my mind. I had just started drawing and painting again in RL as a way to cope with being struck with a debilitating condition, that I've since learned likely stemmed from chemical exposure during my RL career at the time. SL was simply a way to escape my bedroom, loneliness, and distract from my pain.

Eventually, my doctors told me I needed to make some major changes in my life if I wished to see 35 (I was 30 when I was diagnosed). So, I heeded their words and decided to pursue a different passion, which was going to take me back to university. My husband at the time didn't agree because I was the breadwinner and because I "already had 1 degree and didn't need another one". Still, my health was a priority for me, so I could be around for my kids, so I pursued my new direction anyway. Suffice it to say that it resulted in a divorce.


Do to the major upheavals in my life at that time, I walked away from SL after a two year stint deep in the rabbit hole. I left for about four years. I'm happy to say that the changes I made brought me back to myself and my health is now about 90% improved.

When I came back, I wasn't as addicted to SL as I once was, so I drifted in and out for several more years. Then, in 2017, being bored with the usual SL (for me), I decided I wanted to try my hand at creating mesh. My first project, post tutorials, was a dear antique swing horse that I grew up with and always loved. I was so proud of my accomplishment! It isn't perfect, it has many flaws, but I did it!

I made a few more items and Sycamore Decor was born. I started in a small booth, then graduated to a small store, then bigger, and bigger. I'm quite content with my current store and have a bit to go before it's full and I need to add on or rebuild. 

My goal with Sycamore Decor is primarily to create what I love. I do it for the sake of creation and because I enjoy it. If it were to become too much of a chore, I don't know if I would continue. With every new item I make, I try to learn new techniques and try to perfect my work. I take my time so I can create a quality item. I currently view supplemental income as a perk, but one that helps offset the cost of having teenagers!   

My new releases do come slower than many home décor brands in SL. I can say that my lack of frequent releases is due to a few reasons:

  • My RL husband and I have a business that takes me full time, 6 days a week, then I have duties to my family. RL is always 1st.

  • Unless indicated, my items are 100% original mesh. What that means: I make my own mesh. I do not outsource, I do not download assets made by others and claim them as my own, I do not copybot. I am a team of 1. Occasionally, I use full perm plants available through marketplace in my sets, but I do note those. I am starting to learn how to make plants, however.

  • Often, I make my own textures. However, I like to support other creators in SL, so I often buy Full Perm Textures to use or tweak as well. I take the time to bake my textures and add shadows to give items a bit more realism, even if my customer doesn't have a machine capable of using advanced lighting. For those that do, I try to make sure I include materials (more so in my newer products). 

Atop of the reasons stated above, another thing that slows me down some is that fact that I love hunts. When I first entered SL, I LOVED hunts. I could get awesome items for free or cheap and have fun whilst trying to find the hidden objects. Therefore, it's important to me to give back and stay involved with hunts, now as a creator. I do treat my hunt prizes as new releases in a way, as once the hunt is over, they will be for sale in my store at regular prices. I know many creators keep their hunt items priced very low after a hunt, but I put as much effort into my hunt items as I do a regular release. I think it's unfair to the hunters to have everyone else be able to get the items cheap without having to play the game of hide and seek. 

As I go forward into the future of Sycamore Decor in SL, I would love to hear feedback from you, my customer. I'm very approachable and willing to listen to any comments and concerns. 

Thank you for for your support!

About: Bio
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